Friday, August 26, 2016

Improved 1:1 Insurance

Good News! EWG has been able to leverage our relationship with the Rhode island Interlocal Risk Management Trust to reduce the cost of optional 1:1 device insurance through Worth Ave Group significantly. We were able to reduce the cost of $0 deductible insurance to under $30 annually for Chromebooks which covers unlimited breakage and includes transfer of the coverage to replacement devices. Covered events include Fire, Flood, Vandalism, Power Surges, Accidental Damage, Theft, etc.

The cost is:

$36.20 for Apple iPad Air A1474 devices (Grade 7 & 8 - $400 Device)
$27.20 for Acer Chromebook 11 C740 devices (Grade 9 & 10 - $250 Device)
$29.90 for HP Chromebook 14 G1 devices (Grade 11 & 12 - $300 Device)

For more information see this flyer
Visit to purchase insurance.